-"...I have seen that in any great undertaking it is not enough for a man to depend simply upon himself." - Isna la Wicasa (Loneman)
Isna-la-Wica (Lone Man)
Isna Wica (Loneman): The biography of the man for whom Loneman School is named
Isna Wica (Loneman), was a life-long resident of the White Clay District, and of Loneman community. Born in 1850, along the banks of the White Clay Creek, he lived to the age of 86 years, entering the spirit world on April 15, 1936.
The Loneman School
The Loneman School is a BIA/Contract K-8 school on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. It is located in the town of Oglala on the western edge of the reservation and services the families of the White Clay District. The community is very interested in restoring Lakota as the primary spoken language.